Named for Charlotte Anne D'Arielle and known by the residents of the estare as Charlotte House, This builing was rennovated and slightly remodelled some time back to hold the Lady D'Arielle Girls' School. It still keeps its rich looks since only minimal changes were made to the archetecture and style of this century plus old building so it creates the kind of atmosphere best suited to our ideasl

Unlike other schools, The Lady D'Arielle Girls' School accepts and understands the needs of, girls still in diapers. We have diapering and diaper-chastizement facilities. So there is no need to hurriedly bladder- train your Little Girl (but she must be sphincter-trained). There are plenty of rubber sheets to go around.

The Lady D'Arielle Girls' School has a full curriculum and other training programs, Thses include a "Feminine Arts" program that runs late afternoons for girls ages 4 to 15, weekend courses and night courses in Ettequette, Ballet, Home Care and other feminine arts

The school has full classroom facilities, auditorium, other rooms and offices and, in the "dungeon", cooking, cleaning and other facilities that are used to teach as well as practical purposes. The Nurse's office is also where miscreants are changed into more appropriate attire and, if need be, chastized , , as well as having the usual Nurse's Station.

Along with the live-in girls, the school has about 600 attendees for all programs, courses and sessions. Many ladies who wish for their daughters to learn to behave in a ladylike way send them to the Lady Training. Some use course of study as a "finishing school" for their girls. Some take courses themselve to learn or refresh their skills in such things

Added at the same time that Charlotte House was made into a school, This building was named for Lady Veronica Lee's niece Diana Veronique. It houses the Staff for the school and, in the basement, the D"Arielle Ladies' Society Library

Lac D'arc-en-ciel, which means "lake of rainbows" was the major attraction that this piece of land held for the original D'Arielles becuase it reminded them of their home in France. Now it is the place for all our water atctivities from swimmin in the summer to winter skating or picnics when the weather permits. Also, some lakefront property is rented to like-minded persons and its natrual beauty makes it a center for much of our outdoor activities. The activities of the Girls' home are supported by two small beach houses and over two dozen well-lit and well-ventilated small cabins for such things as changing. The pine grove also makes for a lovely backdrop for other outdoor activities

Cross the Raninbow Bridge into Fairyland. with its pink grass (which the Fairies deny), pastels and flowering trees. Shop at the TIARA FAIRY Castle Shopping Plaza. A LITTLE GIRLS-R-US for the items that are so much a part of our way of life. Whether you buy chastizement clothes and things in the Dungeon or tiaras in the bright airy center or go to the candy stripe towers, you are sure to find what you need in this castle patterend after one that we saw in France. Yes, the streets of Fairyland are paved with gold

This is a Fairy's eye view of our home to many lovely flowers, plants, shrubs. flowering tress and fruit-bearing plants and trees. It has served as the site of many ladies' and girls' events and several weddings; including Fairy. we enjoy coming here to relax and we love the feminine atmosphere. We are fortunate to have several Fairy flowers here, such as the crystal Khr..Cry..Chrsa.. mums and Ruby Petal Rose. Even a minuature (only 30 feet tall) Rainflower Tree.

On a lovely spring day, there is no better place for a Little Girl than our wonderful playground. Situated near the lake to take advantage of the gorgeous pine stand, it is bordered by flowering trees and shrubs. A mixture of well-manicured grass, rough clay surfaces and playhouses in pretty pastel colors make this playground an ideal place for hopscotch, skipping or the myriad of other outdoor games that girls love that help them to be pert and vigorous without being unflattering.

Providing living space for ladies who wish to raise their Little Girls in accordance with the ideas of the D'Arielle Ladies Society. Veronica Court is the most recently added building and named for Lady Veronica Lee Darielle. It is actually two apartment buildings set in a square courtyard and joined at the inside corners by a long, high wall to ensure privacy. Each apartment is three and a half rooms, the half being a changing/chastizement room, joined to it's neighbor by a utility room with two medium size locking storage closets with shelves and hangers, mini-kitchen to make coffee, tea and snacks, as well as sit and talk, and laundry facilities. The lowest floor of the front and rear buildings hav activity rooms and other things. The courtyord has tables, chairs and a small girls' play area. A stand of shade trees in the back and a very open, spacious front yard provide ample room for outside activities. The apartments have very ample closet space in the kitchen, bed and utility rooms.

Veronica Court represents the ideal place to raise your Little Girl. As part of the RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME it is made to support our very feminine way of life. moving in also gets you the chance to put your Little Girl in The Lady D'Arielle Girls' School as well as to be part of it yourself and learn how to keep her in the appropriate manner. You will live around ladies who will support your decision to raise your Little Girl in the way of life that is most feminine and she can be part of our activities and recieve the same training as our girls, whether it is teaparties, tiara socials (a Fairy activity) or rubber panty chastity training, your Little Girl will learn the proper way of life and may even grow up to marry a Fairy.

The main house of the estate is also the main part of the girls' home. It is the residence of the Housmistress, her niece and the Nurses and 12 girls. It is the center of activities of the girls home and is tucked deep in the heart of the estate to keep it free of disruption and bothe. Its several rooms including guestrooms and 4 baths. The basement has laundry and other facilities

There are rumors about persons who come here to cause trouble for the ladies and girls here disappearing and that when that happens, a new little girl moves in who is very difficult to deal with and needs much discipline and is always crying. Well, you know how rumors are