This is your contact point with RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME and its residents and visitors. If it has to do with general communications, it will be here
So that you need not be running to the post office, you can check your mail in most of the buildings. All you need do is sign in. This allows you to leave your AB/Little Girl business here if you wish, having no need to even put a link to your ABLG mailbox on your machine where it might be found.
If you are going to participate here at all, you do NOT wnat anthing from here to show up in your home or business mail: Believe me, you do not want to hear about it, and neither do we, or answer any questions from co-workers, supers or family members about this; period; end of story! Therefore we are providing access to webmail that is anonymous, safe and private. We wish to avoid any mischance. Also to avoid misunderstandings and to be clear about what is and is not allowed here, so please review and be sure you understand the MAIL RULES. and learn, understand and practice proper CONTACT ETTIQUETTE and also the CODE OF CONDUCT.
Some of these webmail providers offer chat, "connect" (like "Friend" or "Fan") or both
MAIL LISTS: Because we cannot afford the price and upkeep of full social networks but wish to have all the goodies, we use mail lists for our clubs and groups. If you explore your mailbox, youwill find that you can put your contacts (saved addresses) in categories, with the option of putting them in multiple category lists. That way, when you wish to send to several contacts, as in the other club members, you just click on the list name. To keep things easy to use, either we or the creatress of a club gets to name the list and all members use the same name for their list for that club or group For example, our mail lists are: TiaraGirls (for the tiara club), LittleGirlLand (for our network), RubberRuffles Girls (for the rubber club) and DollyGirls (for the dolly club). If you wish to create your own with others from here that is separate from anyy specific activity, you may do so
SPECIAL MAILBOXES: In addition to the above, you can create folders in your webmail like TiaraGirls, LittleGirlLand, etc for the clubs. After that, you can go to "Options/Filters" and arrange for mail from these categories or contacts to go into these folders, thus using them as separate, special mailboxes