A place to participate in LG activities
- Start with the Forum we have at Daily dipaers. It is set up to function like a Yahoo Group. We use Dropbox to accomplish storage and access of files with up to 2 GB of space per account
- Read and write reviews of LG products
- Recieve recognition for bringing in places and items of interest
- Make and display/distribute graphic arts: Wallpaper, stickers and bookmarkers to start with
- publish your LG blog through here
- join a tiara, dolly or mommy or nursie can put you in the rubber chastizement club
- Get and sign into an email account here with chat and connect (friends)
And that is just the overview
You will need and want
- A Girl's first and middle name by which to be known and use as an internal username
- A mail box. preferably webmail (for security) and preferably just for here (So you do not get things from here mixed up with other things)
- A messenger if there is non in your mailer
- OPTION: ADULT-FRIENDLY RESOURCES and ACCESS; web hosting and domain registration. Video hosting, blog and the like
- OPTIONS: things like Dropbox and other useful items
You will be shsown places to get these resources if you do not have them already and kits are available with things you can use. It is a good idea to have accounts dedicated to here so that there is no confusion and breaches of safety, security and privacy
If you have any question about how good RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME is, does having our material COPIED a decade ago and still used in 2016 do anything for you? How about being told by an employee of the Domain registration company we ue that it is a "good looking site", then, the next year, by a lady who works there, a "pretty site" (Now my tiara is getting too small for my head)? Works for us
In alliance with