This is an image taken from the Fast Navigation site map to show what the "place" "looks like"



WHAT: A long-standing (Founded: 1999: Our History), dynamic, interactive web entity that is a "second life [free-form, unscripted, roleplay fictional home for Adult Little Girls; M or F]", based mostly on real life experiences then put "on steroids: * [See the asterisk?]"
WHERE: Southeastern New England; North Attleboro, MA to Tiverton RI
WHEN: 1948-54
WHO: Third or fourth-generation US/French-Canadian fairly well-educateed elite who have, as is characteristic of French-Canadians of the time, retained much of their original culture. However, the French that is spoken is Francais de Paris and not the common patois nor do we go "eh" and we have only a very slight accent, if any


Whaat is "IN THE BOX":
  1. A "Place" that has its own identity, retro culture and look and feel with its own special activities: make things, read and write reviews and get things
  2. FREE-FORM: This is a "stage" upon which you act out your little girl story and intereact with otuers, with props, a frame of reference, guidelines and opportunities to participate in special activites based on your interests, to orient you properly. There is no, or, at the most, only a basic, rudimentary and very loose, "script" or "storyline" you follow and/or of which you become a part. What is not forbidden is permitted: It is far easier for us to tell you what not to do, in the form of categories than what to do: an infinite number of behaviors
  3. A REALISTIC experience which means:
    1. "Geography" and function association: It is laid out and named like a real place. Divided into buildingd and sections with names. The building are then subdivided into rooms. These are based on activities and functions. You can read books ONLY in the Library in Diana House, take and teach classes only in the Lady D'Arielle Girls School in Charlotte House. Shop for real things in the Tiara Fairy Castle Shopping Plaza. Live in assigned places (teachers at Diana House, girls at Alise House and Grownup Ladies and their Little Girls only at the Veronica Court Apartment House). There is a playroom and girl training room in the Alise House. This does two things; Makes you think and have feelings in terms of places and you learn your way around like in a real place
    2. Graphic User Interface. In real life, you learn and think of places by how they look. Well about 90% of the links are pictures with a tooltip and about 75% of the pictures are links. This is also (play)age-appropriate. If you are 5 years old, you do not read anything, you recognize things by how they look, smell, feel and what you do there. Well. RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME provodes the look and you can make where you are snell how you want it. Like baby powder, flowers or a place where yout wet diaper is changed and sitting on a smooth waterproof "baby pad" or rubber sheet, with it's special smell, will make you feel right at home while you caress your Dolly and share girl talk with a friend who is doing something similar
    3. Expandable: You can build a room and we can link to it in one of the living areas
    4. Things: You get things that you can use or have for yourself that take the ideas of RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME back home with you: Stationery and fonts, screensavers and a VERY powerful Little Girl themed scientific and other functional calculator. There are arts and crafrts templates and a suite of well-known and popular freeware that will enable you to do things called FairyWand
    5. Gender-specific look and feel: Diaper white, blonde gold and Little Girl's Rubber Panty Pastel Pink. The activity and play categories are "just for girls": Dolly, Fairy, clothes and accessories and even Ettiquette
    These all arrange the experience so that you will do and feel certain things and not others based on what you see, have access to and do. Then it is just a matter of meeting like-minded persons to share those things with and reinforce each other. After awhile, being called "Karen Andrea" and calling your friends "Tina Michelle", "Linda Christine" and "Tara Lynne" will give you certain feeling about yourself, your friends and this place, as will the feel of your skirts carrassing your thighs, the light touch of your tiara or Alice band and your long hair brushing on your cheeks and maybe a thick diaper and rubber panties under your little dress or babydoll. You will feel and think like a little girl in no time
  • A portal. to other place to shop, set up a room, or, if you are a teacher, your own classroom and the tools to do it or visit those of others and find Little Girl activities
  • A place to participate in LG activities
    1. Start with the Forum we have at Daily dipaers. It is set up to function like a Yahoo Group. We use Dropbox to accomplish storage and access of files with up to 2 GB of space per account
    2. Read and write reviews of LG products
    3. Recieve recognition for bringing in places and items of interest
    4. Make and display/distribute graphic arts: Wallpaper, stickers and bookmarkers to start with
    5. publish your LG blog through here
    6. join a tiara, dolly or mommy or nursie can put you in the rubber chastizement club
    7. Get and sign into an email account here with chat and connect (friends)
    And that is just the overview

    You will need and want

    1. A Girl's first and middle name by which to be known and use as an internal username
    2. A mail box. preferably webmail (for security) and preferably just for here (So you do not get things from here mixed up with other things)
    3. A messenger if there is non in your mailer
    4. OPTION: ADULT-FRIENDLY RESOURCES and ACCESS; web hosting and domain registration. Video hosting, blog and the like
    5. OPTIONS: things like Dropbox and other useful items
    You will be shsown places to get these resources if you do not have them already and kits are available with things you can use. It is a good idea to have accounts dedicated to here so that there is no confusion and breaches of safety, security and privacy

    If you have any question about how good RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME is, does having our material COPIED a decade ago and still used in 2016 do anything for you? How about being told by an employee of the Domain registration company we ue that it is a "good looking site", then, the next year, by a lady who works there, a "pretty site" (Now my tiara is getting too small for my head)? Works for us


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