WHAT IS "SandraLyn"?
Before you go any further, you should read what is below as it explains about us and then decide if you wish to go any furhter.
SandraLyn is more than just a domain: Along with RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME and all that is part of it, and others who wish to join, it is a framework of several ideas about life on the web. The purpose of SandraLyn is to keep things:
- Feminine: That should be self explanatory
- Authentic: Little girl, Southeastern MA, 1948-54
- Agenda-Free: not involved in causes, religion, "pride"/identity or the like
- Real People: Nanners and speech as befits ordinary people of that time
- From becoming a freak hole, creep show or dive as well as to raise the ethical bar for Adult sites
That is done by means of the folliwing things and ideas that relate to here
- Codes of ETHICS FOR ADULT SITES, CONDUCT, CONTACT ETTIQUETTE and even a BANNED SITES list so that we do not give even the appearance of degenerate, low-grade or deranged airheads like you see all to often at most ABDL sites
- One of the ALT LIFESTYLES: If you have any "fetish"es that go with this, you can experience them in a natural, un-self-conscious way. We do not even use the words "lifestyle", "kink(y)" or "fetish" in the main body. They are self-conscious and therefore distracting and therfore take away from the fullness of the ALG experience: a big no-no here because we prefer and stress the AUTHENTIC OVER THE PHONY. Worst of all, that self-conscious orientation encourages "kinkiness" to bizarre extremems for its own sake and the degeneracy I have seen at even the best of the ABDL sites is nothing we want here and gives some credibility to the "puritans". This is not a place for "kinksters", who pride themselves in being mondo bizarro. That is one of the reasons we have avoided Fetlife after reading the introductory material
- Reliability, stability and depth of character, look and feel. We have been around for YEARS, outliving Mommy Rose's Nursery, The Orpahage and several other places
- CREDIBILITY: Specific, reality-based views on SEX and SEXUALIZATION and GENDER. Is it OK? and PSYCHOBABBLE free
- TOTAL IMMERSION: Call it what you wish; wall-to-wall, 24/7/52 or all Little Girl all the time. We are a "whole world" TIME and PLACE built around SPECIFIC IDEAS;
With many THINGS TO DO.
- Because we wish to provide the highest qualtiy in the way of Little Girl living so that we become the definitive, iconic and Ultimate Retro (and please remember that so that you do not criticize us unecessarily) Little Girl place, we know that we must be AUTHENTIC. To be authentic means we despise the PHONY. Therefore we are not SISSY, PRINCESS, FURRY, ADULT BABY, DIAPER LOVER, with neither of whom we have a quarrel, they are just not us, INTERNET/AB GHETTO or MONDO BIZARRRO. These are distractions that take away from the little girl feelings that we wish to engender in you as well as some of which are degenerate and dangerous; You cannot predict what you will get with the Nihilistic "anything goes" crowd
- DRESS CODE: You wear dresses, skirt/blouse, jumper (sleeveless dress for which we use the UK "pinafore dress")/blouse, gown, nightgown or babydoll: At least halfway to the knee to just above the knee, depending on your play age and if it is grownup like Mommy, Mistress, Governess or Nurse it can be any length below the knee (As described in the main body). Also we promote CHASTITY as defined and described in the main body
- All who will abide by the rules here are welcome. What you do elsewhere is your business; not mine
It is understood that a person may have some SandraLyn things as well as some of the things listed above in her. Some "Sissies" have Little Girl in them as do some Diaper Lovers. With the above in mind, all are welcome to come in and play as long as they abide by SandraLyn ideas or do not try to bring in non-SandraLyn things. "SandraLyn" is anything that is part of a little girl's world from 1948 to 1954
As you can see. SandraLyn is quite different with a code of ethics and practices, specific ideas and ways to play and that we have standards of conduct so that the name SandraLyn means something good in a world generally associated with scumbags and nutcakes, and anyone wishing to have that name had best live up to those standards. We do not want our brand to be just another freak hole, creep show or low-grade pig sty as happened to DPF before it went out of existence and has touched most all ABDL sites. If you want to be part of SandraLyn, which we encourage, then We better see SandraLyn standards and SandraLyn class!
We are agenda-free, secular, mostly socially conservative in that we do not tolerate adult sex, punk and have standards of ladylike behavior and a feminine environment that would have been approved by a 35-year old local social worker in 1951 (the year one of my aunts threatened to "put a rubber diaper on you" which, I found out later, meant more than just putting a rubber diaper on one, also "put rubber panties on you with nothing under them [but baby powder]" or "[a visit by, give you to] the Rubber Fairy"), politically libertarian and individualist. We do not concern ourselves with causes, religion, gay, straight, Adult Little Girl, or any "identity", "pride" or any group-oriented mode of being: For one thing, they are self-conscious and have an anti-individualism Agenda. We support only laws protecting individual rights; basically meaning voluntary actions among adutls and protection from force and/or fraud.
Because of its "whole world" nature, there are SandraLyn things that you could use with real little girls: Ballet, Dolly, Home Economics and Tiaras. UNLESS YOU CAN COMPLETELY AND UNTRACEABLE SEPARATE THEM FROM THE REST OF THE PLACE; WE RECOMMEND AGAINST THAT. If you wish to do so. CONSULT WITH US FIRST!!!! This statement is just to show how realistic some aspects of RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME is. Many of the things we use are from real little girl places like Lisa Frank, or, like the Tiara Club, adapted from them.
In keeping wiht the SandraLyn ideals this is the Code of Conduct for all things SandraLyn. It is designed to keep things
- legal
- as historically and culturally accurate as possible
- feminine
- clearly understandable
- orderly
- fair
- easy to use
- from degenerating into a freak hole, creep show or pig sty
Since we do not wish to run the risk of civil or criminal action, it will be enfoced; so: Learn it: Live it: Love it!
REAL MINORS-No one under 21 is allowed in ANY SandraLyn Activities. All persons referred to here are either fictional or adult. NO REAL MINORS are allwed in contact or referred to.
2. KEEP IT LITTLE-no reference to adult sex, teen or pre-teen sluttiness, lolita or
3. KEEP IT GIRL-no little boy, daddy or guy things.No tomboy or butch things. No Sissy. No Furry, babyfurs or creature things. No MONDO BIZARRO. We
welcome diaper/rubber panties Dolly, dress and other girl activity discussions,
even whining about the way Mommy, Mistress, etc treat you, but if She reads it
here and decides you need rubber discipline, it is not our fault. We wear
panties/knkickers, some of us wear diapers/nappies, slips, crinolines, petticoats, dresses, skirts, jumpers, blouses,
gowns. bibs. aprons, pinafores, capes and babydolls, NO PANTS/TROWSERS/COULOTTES of any sort: this is a NO-FLY Zone!
4. KEEP IT CUTE-no nudity/exposure (except as part of being changed or dressed
in rubber), S/M or spanking
5. KEEP IT RETRO-Nothing after 1955. No pampers, punk, Anime/Manga,
jeans/T-shirt, Cabbage Patch or Barbie
6. KEEP IT LADYLIKE-no scat, poop, enema or gross things. No obscenity,
profainty or vulgarity. Let me put it this way if you do not get it NO PORN! This is an OINK-FREE ZONE
7. KEEP IT AGENDA-FREE-No prostletyzing or Advocacy of cuases or references to
politics, religion or the like: NO SPAM,
8. WHAT IS WANTED-Mommy/Mistress/Rubber Nurse, Rubber, mild Rubber B&D,
Rubber "molesting" by Mommy, Mistress or Rubber Nurse as punishment and Chastity
training, Forced wetting and mild "watersports".
9. COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY IS NOT TOLERATED HERE AND WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM: If you are selling anything go to the Daily Diapers forum for that purpose. We do not wish to be involved in the problems which that can cause
IN PARTICULAR: That means, to start off with, there are certain discussions we are NOT having:
- Poop
- Little Boy, daddy or anything like that
- Sissy, anything with "fur" in it or any Mondo Bizarro
- Disposable Diapers. The only such was "Dryper" coming out in 1953 which still needed rubber panties and were not that much used and would not be used here because of wastefulness and "fussiness". needing special panties that were part of the system
- Nylon, PUL or PEVA baby panties
- Adult Sex
- Spanking, Bondage or S&M. We have our onw kind of discipline
- No Terms like "Lifestyle", "fetish", "kink(y)" are used here because they are self-conscious, therefore distractions and take away from what is important to you and us here
- "Plushie", "stuffies" and bears are replaced by Dolly. Onesies, rompers and footed sleepers are replaced by nighties and babydolls Jeans or slacks and tops are replaced by dresses, skirts, jumpers and blouses. Notice I said "replaced"!
- Punk
- anything after 1954 unless it is filling in to replace something from then or before
- unrelated to topic:
- Work or school
- Religion, Philosophy, Politics, causes,"Pirde" or any "Agenda": We do not want to get caught up in that whole mess and they are a distraction here. There is no "Rainbow" discussion here AT ALL. We take you asis 3NE: No Exceptions, No Exemptions, No Excuses. You are judged here by what you say and do and stand or fall as an individual person, not by what group you claim membership in
- We reject totally the current practice of using "transexual" and "transgender" interchangeably. The first refers to physiology and is usually expressed as "being trapped in the wrong body". The second is purely psychological: as one Little Girl put it years ago "Sex is physical; gender is between the ears". Many, if not most, TG's are perfectly happy with what they are physically. the interchangeable use of the two makes for less clarity and understanding. We wish to avoid that foggy thinking because it serves no good purpose
- Unrelated medical, health or psychologcal issues are distractions. Take them up with professionals in the field, We have not the time, training, tools, facilities or resources for any of that
- It is imperative that you learn our Special vocabulary for discussing things in a ladylike way
If you wish to have those discussions,do so elsewhere and only with willing partners